
Posts Tagged ‘color’

Beautiful landscape

Beautiful landscape (Photo credit: Kenny Teo (zoompict))

   Have you ever really pondered the notion that the maker of heaven and earth gave us all this myriad of colors and textures of nature? Also giving us the changing of seasons, and beauty of the skies, magnificent rainbows, breathtaking sunrises and sunsets to experience and enjoy?


How about when a certain situation you’ve stewed over that seems to have no positive outcome in sight–miraculously gets resolved after many prayerful tears and humbling of  yourself– giving the situation to God?

Ever ponder all the love a baby feels for a parent when that baby is held by someone  else close by, then suddenly the baby searches for that parent and the infant’s arms reach out to its mom or dad to hold and comfort?

Project Hope volunteer holds an infant during ...

Project Hope volunteer holds an infant during Continuing Promise 2011 (Photo credit: Official U.S. Navy Imagery)


 What about the feelings of a husband and wife after many years spent with each other sharing children, heartache, sickness, desperation, etc. The good and the bad. When asked to face each other and ponder the moments of their lives together without speaking–do you think you could begin to capture the special looks they give each other, and all that is in their hearts, along with all the love and blessings they’ve shared, having tackled everything–all aspects of life–together?

I was just thinking. Ever ponder things like this? Yeah, me neither.

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