
Posts Tagged ‘honor and praise’


SATAN SAYS (Photo credit: rafaelm)

You’d think we would have a clear view of satanic behaviors. Things of Satan are taboo or forbidden, right? Wrong. Well, they are, but there’s more to it than that. Satan is alive and well in our daily patterns of life, too. What? Yeah,  in our daily activities we, a lot of times put God on the back burner. We have a “to do list” for today, or we take a day off from household drudgery. We work out, watch the tube, or catch up on emails or Facebook. In any of these things, does time with God come into the equation? Did we thank Him for another day, or another opportunity to serve Him? Did we say grace at mealtime? 

English: Minnesota state photograph "Grac...

English: Minnesota state photograph “Grace” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  There are so many people going hungry on a daily basis. Did we thank Him that we’re not one of them? Did we set aside time with our maker today to praise Him and thank Him for never leaving or forsaking us?(Hebrews 13:4) For giving us His son, Jesus, so that we can have eternal life? (John 3:16) The bible says to pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) So throughout the day we should be praying. When someone pops into our head, we should pray for him/her at that moment. We should be thankful in all circumstances. Good and bad. (1Thes. 5:18)  Why? Because we serve a risen Savior. Jesus Christ is the name above every name, (Philippians 2:9) and Satan is the father of all lies. (John 8:44) God wants us to know and depend on Him for all our needs. He is worthy of all honor and praise. And we need to know that through faith, obedience, and trust in Him our needs will be met. So… do we surf the net or grab our bible and meet with our Lord for breakfast and some godly wisdom from His Holy Word?

Words have a power all their own

Words have a power all their own (Photo credit: Lynne Hand)

He gives us choices all through our lives. We mess things up and He forgives us. Time with God is time well-spent. And, Hey! We just may be able to do some of those other things we planned — later. Satan will try all kinds of tricks, and use tools to take our time away from prayer and reading our bibles. He knows how powerful God’s Word is. How does he know? Because Satan knows the bible cover to cover. He used to be God’s top angel, you know. He fell from grace when he thought himself higher than God. Time spent in prayer and bible study will give you a peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) Peace that will allow you to sleep and heal your spirit. So — which is it? Peace like a river (Isaiah 48:18, 66:12) or the chaos that the devil devises? The choice is ours.

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