
Posts Tagged ‘love’

Love ? I love love love you.

You are slowly losing control. The struggles you’re experiencing now are too great, and the situation doesn’t seem to be changing. Now you’ve been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder. Where do you turn? Do you search your bible for comforting words of truth, or do you tell your friends that God doesn’t care? Let me say this: God does care. He loves you, and He will never love you any more or less than He does right now. He speaks through His Holy Word to all of us–believers and non-believers. But we believers should already know that the Holy Spirit is always with us, and that God is always working in our lives on our behalf. He is our Comforter. (Counselor, The Promise)  (John 14:16-26, Acts 2:38-39). And filled with compassion, the Holy Spirit guides us in what we think, say, and do.

However, the non-believer doesn’t have this assurance, this comfort, this knowledge. They may become a victim of their circumstances causing their health to diminish. Their zest for life is gone. They stop caring about themselves and others. Then they fall apart. Why? Because they don’t have access to the living God. Our protector, our strength, our “go-to guy.” They don’t see the tremendous love our God has for all of us, christian and  non-christian. They don’t know His promises, or that God is always faithful. And because they don’t know God, they can’t know Jesus, God’s only son. The only one by whom they can be saved and have eternal life. (Acts 2:21, 4:12, Ephesians 1:20-21, Hebrews 7:25, Romans 10:13-14, Philippians 2:9-11) And the saddest thing of all–they won’t ever see Heaven. Why not? you ask. Because we’re not sharing the gospel. We’re not sharing Christ enough.

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That’s right…We’re not doing what God commanded us to do. The Great Commission. (Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-47) Did we forget that Jesus gave us a mission? The root word for commission is “commit”.Are we committed enough to see the it that there are no more unbelievers, only believers? I don’t think we are. So let’s just tell Jesus “No.” And…we might as well say no to God, too. C’mon, it’s a lot easier than feeling guilty, right? We find it tough to spend time with our own families, let alone time getting to know someone in our own neighborhood who may or may not know the Lord. Does that bother us enough to re-evaluate our priorities?

Here’s a newsflash: God didn’t ask us to love others, or ask us to spread the Good News, (gospel) of His son’s life, death, burial, and resurrection. Come to think of it…God didn’t ask anybody He spoke to in the Old Testament to do anything. He told them. He commanded them. His meaning was clear. Do it, or else. And other times it was do it and I will bless you in such and such a manner.

But I think we need to be up front with God. We need to say something like God, I’m sorry, but I just don’t have the time. We need to capture His attention and tell Him No, God. It’s too hard, and I can’t do it. But I’ll pray that one of your “prayer warriors” will take on this particular task. Well–after all, we still serve God, don’t we?  Just not in this capacity. Besides, we still sing in the choir and attend church regularly. We help our neighbors at times…no, it’s too much. Everybody’s salvation rests on us? Uh-uh. WE HAVE A “NO” HERE!!

Then, a soul-searching question comes to mind: ( Holy Spirit)

 Did God say “No” when it came to His only son, who took on the sins of the whole world by dying that horrendous death on the cross so we could all have salvation, and live with Him forever in Heaven when we die?

No. He undeniably did not. So, do we have any right to tell God “No” about anything? Food for thought, huh? He doesn’t want even one person to miss going to Heaven. ( 11 Peter 3.9) And no one can enter Heaven’s Gate unless they accept Jesus into their heart. To have this happen we have to be proactive and share with people what Jesus means to us, and share our testimony of how He saved us by His Love and amazing Grace.

amazing grace

 Note:  If you do not know Christ and want to share in His love and have “eternal life” after death–please reply to this post, or talk to someone you trust who is a christian, and one of us will be thrilled to talk to you about how you can do this. It will be the easiest and most rewarding experience you will ever have in your life. Trust me…trust Him.

May God bless you all, and as aways, thanks for viewing.

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