
Posts Tagged ‘traffic’

Our morning prayer was short. This is normally the case when my husband and I go out early.We meet together to give praise to God and allow for Him to make of the day what He will, with Him allowing us to serve Him to the best of our ability. We pray for our children and grandchildren to have a good day. That’s basically it for now, except when someone needs immediate prayer. Only, this morning I added one more tidbit. A request for God to keep us safe today. After I was done I pondered this. God has always kept us safe, so why did I pray this? We aren’t going anywhere that isn’t safe. Thinking no more of this, I prepared to leave.

So here we are taking the ten minute walk from Point A to arrive at Point B. You may have to help me with this part as I am lousy at algebra. On our trek, we came to a busy intersection. We stopped on the sidewalk anticipating a short wait at the crosswalk. Yea, no waiting. The little man is walking. We can cross now. This must be our lucky day.

We approached the crosswalk together. I noticed one driver slowly approaching the light. Something out her window had her immediate attention. I don’t know that she even noticed us at the crossing. She finally stopped, and we continued ahead to cross the street. My husband, who was on my right, was two steps ahead now since I slowed down a bit watching the young driver. I noticed that she was still not looking at us as we proceeded. This made me a little nervous. I should have waited to cross, but didn’t. I was directly in front of her car now, and focusing on the end of the crosswalk….when she accelerated. My husband tried to pull me out of harm’s way as the car was coming straight toward me. I screamed and she stopped, but not in time. I was bumped with her car. Apparently, she hadn’t noticed us crossing until I screamed. She was making a right turn on red. Her car made contact with my body, but with very little impact. I’m talking minuscule impact, here. I wasn’t injured. I was just jarred a little, that’s it.

How could this be? God shielded us, that’s how. My husband and I have been recipients of His powerful, awesome ways, many times. Like I said, this took place in only seconds. I can’t even recall any details, it happened so fast. All I remember is after I screamed, my husband was with me pulling me back with him, being bumped, then my hands  on the hood of her car. And for some reason I found myself pulling my foot out from under the car to balance myself. (?) This was when I made eye contact with the teenage driver. She appeared shocked. She opened her mouth a couple of times to speak, I think, but emitted no sound. I wasn’t hurt at all, as far as I could tell. Amazing!

I think she was wondering if I would report the accident. I took a quick look back at our morning prayer, and the fact that God had kept us safe determined the outcome of this situation. What would Jesus do? (WWJD) If you have never read the book In His Steps I challenge you to do so. That book is where those initials originated. That church congregation defined what Christianity is all about.

Jesus would forgive this young driver unconditionally. No doubt about it. I opted to do the same. I held my hand up and mouthed the words “It’s okay.” Then walked with my husband to the end of the crosswalk. I was fine. She may have been too scared to speak. I hope this scared her enough to pay attention more while driving. And I really think she will. If she gives herself a chance to think about it, she will possibly realize the near tragedy of hitting two people with her car, had one not screamed to get her attention.

After crossing to the other side we came across a couple that saw what just took place, but we didn’t need them as witnesses. God kept us safe, just as I asked Him to do. It took only seconds for me to ask, and it took only seconds for Him to answer.

Thanks be to God. He gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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